If you're looking to send Valentine's Day flowers in Ely this February 14th then you've come to the right florist! Here at this Ely florist Thatch & Roses will be offering you the finest, fresh flowers for local delivery. As well as Valentine's Day flowers by post nationwide.
Red roses are usually the first thing that comes to mind when thinking of Valentine's Day flowers so we definitely won't be disappointing you in that department, but we'll also be offering the best Spring flowers available with tulips, ranunculus just for starters.
All you will see in the run-up to Valentine's Day will be offers from the big flower companies & supermarkets on the classic red roses, but for a special touch shop with your local florist near you. We can offer you so much more, than a bunch of roses wrapped in plastic. Add a handwritten personalised message, eco-friendly packaging and all with local delivery or with our trusted courier, you simply won't get better service this Valentine's Day!
To place your order, call Emily on 01353 749000 or shop online now.